Taking Care of Your Feet
Your feet support your entire body weight and endure the stresses of everyday activities. For the majority of people, healthy feet are essential for living active and fulfilling lives, and any foot conditions or injuries can have a significant impact on this — yet they’re one of the body areas that often receive the least care and attention.
Your feet are the furthest point from your brain and your heart, how you treat the rest of your body or how your body treats you will normally present in your feet. Regular foot care helps prevent infection, discomfort, and long-term musculoskeletal problems. Understanding how your health and lifestyle choices affect your feet is crucial to attaining good foot health — and the FHG.Formula mission is to help more people gain this knowledge of how foot health can be achieved and maintained.
Join our Foot Health Guide mailing list for up-to-date information and continued support from our expert team.
Common Foot Conditions
Contact Your Podiatrist
FHG.Formula supports everyday foot health and building better foot care habits, but we always recommend consulting your podiatrist in the first instance to assess any foot conditions — they will be able to advise you on foot treatment.