This refers to the involuntary and persistent movement or twitching of the lower limb, typically presenting through the night.
Existing treatments vary, depending on the underlying cause. The first step to managing Restless Leg Syndrome should always be with your GP, in order to identify any underlying health conditions or vitamin deficiencies. There are good routines that you can adopt at home, including removing/reducing caffeine and alcohol in your diet, improving daily nutrition and increasing movement/exercise throughout the day.
Adopting a good night-time routine has also shown to be very beneficial, and common advice is often to keep the bedroom temperature on the cool side and relaxing/winding down before sleep. Practical tips to achieve this include enjoying a calming herbal tea and soaking your feet in a magnesium-rich foot bath. Magnesium salts will be absorbed through the skin, while gentle muscle stretches and massaging the legs/feet will encourage good circulation.